Your will
Your will, energy, and enthusiasm in life in order to improve the living standards of people with disabilities, can continue when you pass away, with your legacy, and inheritance donations.
“Including TAS Foundation in your will is to bequeath the opportunity for development and professionalised care to hundreds of people with disabilities living in rural areas”.
Your legacy of solidarity is your desire to be part of the lives of people with disabilities. It is another way of joining the work that TAS Foundation has been developing with the goal of caring and defending people with disabilities rights.

How to include TAS Foundation in my testament?
If you wish to leave a legacy
You can bequeath a specific asset that you consider can help us to progress towards our goal “I bequeath to TAS Foundation the amount of xxxx euros to be used to fulfil its purposes”.
If you wish to leave your assets to more than one person or institution
You can name the TAS Foundation as co-heir, informing in the will the assigned percentage.
If you have no heirs
Nor will, the assets pass to the disposition of the State. You can name the TAS Foundation as universal heir.
If you decide to include the TAS Foundation in your will, it is very important to include our identification details.
FUNDACIÓN TAS con CIF G 91233965 y dirección fiscal en Avda. de Portugal s/n – 41310 – Brenes (Sevilla)
You can include TAS Foundation along with family, friends and other entities.
If your circumstances, wishes or intentions change, you can change your will at any time.
The TAS Foundation is a recognised public utility entity and is not subject to inheritance tax, so all assets transferred will be transformed into aid for those who need it most.
Your will
We will carry out your will. Thank you on behalf of all the people who will receive your help!
More information?
Contact us for more information.