Activities Management
Encuentro Juvenil de Ocio Alternativo «SIN BARRERAS» (Alternative Leisure Youth Meeting “NO BARRIERS”)
We understand leisure as free time space that involves an enriching personal and collective satisfaction, with the goal of contributing to personal development.
Leisure and personal autonomy programme
During the school year, we organise cultural and leisure outings in order to put into practice the instrumental social skills acquired in the Personal Autonomy Programme, enabling the youth to function in society as self-reliant as possible.
The activities are organised together with the group of youth, and based on their interests and needs. Some of the outings so far have been to the botanical and zoological park Mundopark, a boat ride along the Guadalquivir river, museum’s visits, cinema, basketball matches…

“Without diversity, leisure will never offer the full potential to empower individuals and cultures”

- Creating a reflection and meeting point during a weekend between youth, with and without disabilities, from la Vega del Guadalquivir region in order to achieve a real proposal of leisure and culture for all.
- Boosting the leisure development as an integral human experience, and a fundamental right for the person with disability.
- Practicing the basic and instrumental skills acquired in the Personal Autonomy Programme.

- Cultural outings
- Sportive and corporal expression workshops
- Themed parties
- Handicraft workshops
- Contests and performances
- Outings in Nature
- Film forum
During these events we develop nighttime leisure activities so the participants get to know each other better.
In addition, in the themed parties there’s music, karaoke and stands, and the youths have cocktails available.